Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Left turn ahead, a change in directions

Vast grain fields and "The big sky" of the prairies
Warm autumn days accompanied me as I continued to drive west across the seemingly neverending prairies.What a huge variety of landscapes Canada offers! We have it all: mountains and flatlands, lakes and desert-like areas, the Arctic tundra and the lush southern forests. Most of all we have a lot of space!

I arrived in Calgary on Oct 6, parking at the Canadream headquarters where I had bought my Motorhome a year ago and wanted to get it serviced.
It felt wonderful to be warmly welcomed by the manager, Matthew who still remembered me.
I couldn't get any work done on it until the next day so I spent that day hiking the nearby Crosspoint mall, which was a feast for the senses. I asked at security about parking overnight and he directed me to a large parking lot that showed up on his monitor. Since I didn't have far to walk, I decided to go see a movie, something I hadn't done in a long time. "The Martian" was a well done and interesting story. Seeing a movie on a big screen has always felt like a real treat and 3D was an added bonus.The theatre was a new kind I hadn't experienced before. You reserve a specific seat, the screen is larger, and for an extra cost (which I declined), you can get a seat that has some movement according to what's happening in the movie.
 lt felt strange sleeping in my RV, the only vehicle parked in that huge lot but I knew a security guard was checking the area.

The next day, I returned to the Canadream centre to have my motorhome serviced. It felt good to have it all checked , including the propane system and to be given a very good deal because I was "a part of our Canadream family".

In Calgary the major change in the direction of my journey was from the trans Canada hway going west to #2 going south, a large left turn on the map. Coming across a rise in the road, I got my first good glimpse of the mountains. The beauty of seeing the snow covered peaks arrising above the golden canopy of trees brought tears to my eyes. I have always loved mountains, having lived in Switzerland as a child.

It was wonderful to drive my RV after being fully serviced! 
Now for my journey south.

After about 2hrs, I arrived in Fort MacLeod, Alberta to visit a friend.
We spent some lovely times catching up. The days were filled with activities such as swimming at a large indoor pool in Lethbridge , time at the library where I finally printed off my blog ( not trusting my tablet to keep it from being erased), a concert, hiking in the mountains, and some good meals, including a turkey dinner.
 My journey seems to be filled with days of solitude interwoven with social activities. I am slowly learning the best balance for me. 

On Oct 12 , I left to continue south. It was Thanksgiving and I thought of how much I am grateful for in my life.
The prairies meet the foothills of the rockies

My plan was to visit Watertown Lakes national park that I had been to before. On the way there I went a short distance out of my way to see "Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump", a museum and world heritage site. 

 The history is fascinating. The method of hunting practices by the Plains people was used over almost 6000 years. They were able to hunt bison by stampeding them over a cliff. They then checked any that were still alive and killed them. The carcasses were carved up and taken to camp. Almost every part of the animal was used for dried meat, hides, fat, tools, and clothing.

At first, I was horrified at the thought of so many animals falling to their death but then I realized it is a very efficient and humane way to kill animals and that the native people's survival depended on it. We forget that in our society animals are often killed in less humane ways because all we can see are the packaged meats in the stores.We also have a choice because we have so many other options for food.

I then drove south east to Watertown Lakes 2 days ago, having to work hard to stay on the road with the strong winds rocking the RV. I saw many RV's coming the other way, thinking it was because of them returning home after the long week-end. When I got to Waterton Lakes, I was told that all the campgrounds were being closed for the season! The staff told me of some possible private campgrounds to check out and I finally found "The Crooked Creek" campground, not far from there ,which was still open but closing soon. Luckily the managers are here a few more days and allowing some campers to stay. The water was turned off but there is still electric and a dumping site available. Because it is off season, the cost is only $10/night and that includes WiFi!!

Yesterday, I went on a hike towards the mountains. They seem so close yet are much farther than I could hike in a few hours. I was nervous about the possibility of bears but the grizzlies evidently don't roam this far. Black bears are less dangerous but I still carried bear spray and made noise while walking.
I didn't see any wildlife.
Here are some views from the campground and along the trail:


My next stop will be at the US border crossing in Cardston tomorrow, a short drive from here. I wonder what the experiences of this winter will be compared to last year? 

So far I've been very lucky with mostly warm sunny days and beautiful auumn colours. Will I be able to stay ahead of the snow?

"The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly -- that is dedication."
                                                                                        Cecil B DeMille, Film producer  

An RV couple born the same year and month were celebrating their 60th birthdays. During the celebration, a fairy appeared and said that because they were so loving, she could grant them each a wish.
Very excited, the wife said that since she had visited most of North America in their RV, she would like to visit Europe.
The fairy waved her magic wand and airline tickets instantly appeared in her hand.
Then it was the husband's turn. He paused for a moment, then said with a sly look, " well I'ld like to have a woman 30 years younger than me."
The fairy waved her wand and, presto, he was 90!

Have a great week


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