It's now Oct 5 and experiencing a good rest after so much traveling.
Due to some concerns about getting back to NS before the weather becomes too cold, I had changed my plans from taking a scenic route to the more direct interstates.Continuing on Hway 94 in Wisconsin,south to #90/39 into Illinois to La Salle and east on #80, I was able to bypass Chicago, thanks to the helpful info from a truck driver.The traffic was very heavy, mostly with semis.
Finally, past Chicago into northern Indiana and back to Hway 94 through Michigan to Detroit and the peace bridge into Canada.
Just before customs there was a sign indicating cars one way, trucks the other.Is whyknot a car or a truck??
technically I'm in a truck (what else would a V10 Ford be?)
I found myself sandwiched between huge semis waiting to go through customs and realized I'm not one of them. A kind trucker informed me my RV is a car in this situation and helped me get to the front of the line to the customs booth.A few brief questions and I was happy to be back in familiar Ontario.
It had been raining all day and by now night had descended.
Getting through Windsor was a challenge, particularly since I didn't have a GPS yet. I spent the night at my friend Sharman's place about an hour later and had a very good catch up visit. Then east on the 401 for a quick lunch and more catching up with the Weilers before stopping for 2 days at my brother Tony's place in Kitchener.
After a much needed rest, I'm heading to Toronto today......
The weather continues to be quite cold (approx high of 13C today).
The beautiful fall colors have been developing as I go east. It's my favourite time of year.
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