Saturday, 25 October 2014

whyKnot resting

The last day in Pictou was spent taking care of my water system and the tanks.This is something I never had to deal with while living in an apartment and I've been becoming more aware of how much water I'm using.
The fresh water tank holds 95L, the grey water tank (sinks, shower) 122L , and the black water tank (toilet)  102L
I have a panel in the kitchen where I can monitor the levels of the tanks as well as of the propane (37L tank) and battery power (2 batteries in coach area).The truck engine and solar panel keep the batteries topped up.
It takes some planning to deal with the tanks when not staying at campgrounds:
Carrying a full tank of fresh water gives me many days of water but is also very heavy, resulting in poorer gas mileage.
The other tanks need to be emptied when almost filled and there isn't always a place that has a dump site (check on-line or ask at RV stops). Some places provide free dumping service
 eg the Irving gas station where I had to pull up to the site, move the heavy lid, take out my sewer hose , attach it to my black tank outlet, then open the tank with a lever and let it drain. Then then open the grey water tank and drain that through the same hose, rinsing the hose in the process. Put the hose away, replace the cover , then flush the toilet a few times to get some water in the black water tank and add the appropriate solution of waste digestion and tank cleaner.
Luckily this doesn't have to happen more than about once a week depending on usage.It makes me want to conserve as much water as possible.
Oct 20 and temps down to about 4C. I had the furnace on during the night and was keeping an eye on the propane (used for furnace, fridge when not hooked up, hot water heater and stove).
The fall colours continue to be beautiful although less colourful in Pictou as it's on the harbour.
More visits, and the next day I left for Bedford near Halifax after getting my flu shot and a 6mo vacation supply of medications.
Health care is an issue when going to the US for a few months and I have extra travel medical insurance for the time I will be there.

Catch up with Helen in Bedford and parking on a residential street near her as could not park in the parking lot.I think they call that "stealth parking". No one seemed bothered by me doing that as I was beside an empty lot.
I'm loving having my little home to sleep in  while visiting friends.
I had an unexpected challenge when i couldn't find my medication.
After searching high and low, I remembered I had left the pill bottle on my bathroom cabinet and realized it had probably fallen into my garbage can below. I had disposed of my bag of garbage in Helen's dumpster the night before. Well, nothing to do but hope to check it!
So, off we went for some "dumpster diving" and luckily were able to recognize the bag in question. Going through that wasn't pleasant but my bottle of pills were there and sealed. A good handwashing and several wipes to clean the bottle did the trick. 
Helen won't forget this visit!
The lesson for me from that experience is to make sure everything is secure before driving away! I feel like I'm still at the kindergarden level for RV living.

On the 23rd I drove on to the south shore of Nova Scotia in the countryside near Shelbourne to stay with another great friend for a few days of rest before the big journey south.  The rain began and became quite heavy, resulting in a small leak at the edge of my slide-out...not an uncommon problem but needs to be fixed. 
The drive was wonderful with the beautiful colours.
It's now Oct 25th and the rain finally stopped today. There was flooding in many areas so it's good I got here when I did.
It's been wonderful to just be in one place again for a few days to catch up on e-mails (yeah for being able to get her wireless internet!) and hook up to electric. 
Today I helped her clear a path through the forest after a fun walk to the shore. She carried bear spray which I've never seen before but a good idea since there is a bear living in the area and that she has seen from distance.
I have an appointment in Halifax on Oct 28th to get an oil change 
(I've driven well over 6000km) and get the RV checked over, including repair of the leak).
Time to organize the kitchen cupboards and thern do some reading.
Ahhhhh, the RV life!

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