Saturday, 5 November 2016

Fall into Winter

The green leaves of summer slowly developed their fall colours of red, rust, yellow and orange. It was like watching a negative photograph appearing in the developing solution, first subtle, then clear and brilliant.
This year, the colours were particularly beautiful with the fall weather lasting delightfully long, and drawing campers late into the season. 

River Ryan campground

In early October, we woke to a sudden cold spell, down to almost freezing during the night. Then followed many glorious, warm sunny days tricking us into forgetting the coming winter.
Those colours gradually faded, along with dropping temperatures. A major storm with high winds and driving rain stripped many of the trees of their leaves and caused extensive flooding. The Sydney area was hit the worst, with road closures and the public advised to stay home. The hospital was open for emergency services only.

Because of wanting to be close to Sydney, I have been staying at the River Ryan campground for a more extended time. It's a lovely, family run business, along the river and only minutes from the  city and is one of the few campgrounds open longer than to mid-October. It also happens to be on the city bus route.

View from River Ryan campground

even the ditch along the road was colourful!

This is the first time I have stayed at one place for so long and it felt good to stop for a time to catch up on things. Both myself and my RV have had a "tune up", and time to visit with family and friends as well as plan my trip south for the winter. I've had time to clean out my storage compartments, get rid of some paperwork and take advantage of the library and secondhand bookstore in Sydney. I have met some wonderful campers here, particularly a couple from Austria who will become long term friends. When travelling and camping, it is always an unexpected to gift to meet such people.

Staying in one place has its advantages but it didn't take long for me to get restless again, wanting to be back on the road, but first, I need to get a leak fixed on the RV slide-out. This has been a problem for some time and never got properly fixed. I found a good RV place near Sydney and was advised that my slide-out was warped, requiring straightening and then new seals applied, a major job but it would be nice to get the problem of the leak finally solved.
An RV really is like a small house, requiring maintenance.

This is the busiest time for RV services, with many RV's in storage requiring winterisation. 
I hope it all gets done soon and before the snow appears. The goal is to leave Cape Breton on Nov 19th. The weather in NS is affected by the ocean and snow doesn't usually appear until later. Even if it does, I have good tires and have experience driving on wintry roads. Besides, I sometimes miss the snow!
I have a propane furnace and fridge as well as electricity from my solar panels, so should be all right. The worst thing that could happen is if it goes well below freezing and then I would have to winterize my RV ( dump all water, run antifreeze through  lines and tanks and stay at motels along the way).
It is not that far in the US before reaching a milder climate.

Because of the uncertainty of the weather and also the effects of the upcoming US election , I will plan my trip from day to day. 
I may have to change my whole plan if a wall appears across our border to the US!

Things always work out somehow. Life is good!!

" Holding a grudge doesn't make you strong, it makes you bitter-
           Forgiveness doesn't make you weak, it sets you free."
                                                                              ~~~ Dave Willis

                    "Spirituality is the hunger to find truth."
                                                                     ~~~ Mooji

" All our dreams can come true; 
                                                if we have the courage to pursue them."
                                                                                ~~~ Walt Disney

" The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one."
                                                                                 ~~~ Malcolm S Forbes

" When the power of love overcomes the love of power, 
                                                 the world will know peace."
                                                               ~~~ Jimi Hendrix

Stay warm and cozy!

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