Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Oregon treasures

Oregon ( pronounced orgon) is a state I have never been to. I heard there were many hot springs in this state and it took me a while to find one on the internet that was in the area I was in. I headed about 30 mi SE to Ashland. After a few wrong turns, I finally arrived at Wellsprings, a hotspring and spa. I was happy to discover a little piece of paradise with its blossoming trees, a large tiled hot spring and a huge swimming pool.They even had a steam room which I loved.
I was able to dry camp close to the pools and had a relaxing 2 days. 

It rained most of the time I was there but that didn't make much difference when soaking in a hot spring pool.

I was surprised to discover that they request silence while in the pools.
It was an unexpected pleasant feeling sitting amongst about a dozen people and fully enjoy the experience without the distraction of conversation.

From there, I drove north on #5, not sure where I would be that night.
I found a very good rest stop that appeared to allow overnight parking as there were some trucks there. The rain continued on and off and it got quite cold.
It wasn't until the next morning that I noticed a small sign by the washrooms indicating a limit of 12 hrs stay there but I hadn't noticed any staff.

Driving further north through a small mountain range, there was some wet snow falling. I wondered if I would need to put on those tire chains I now had.
Thankfully the sky cleared a bit and there was no snow or ice on the road.
I stopped at a town to explore several antique stores there. They were filled with all sorts of treasures including depression glassware that I love so much.

There were many colours of glass but I liked this display of blue glass

Later on, I stopped at a campground wanting to hook up to electricity. Because of all the rain and overcast skies, my solar panels were not able to fully charge my batteries. The office at the campground was closed for the weekend and a notice said to dry camp for those arriving after hours. I wasn't about to pay just to park there! I drove back to the highway to the city of Eugene. On my "Allstays" app, I found a place to park overnight. It was the far parking lot of a large mall. A security guard gave me a pass to stay there up to 2 days. What a treat as it was right beside a river. There was only one other RV there but it was a safe place with a security vehicle diving around regularly. There was also a bike/walking path all along the river and I felt that I had found another gem.

Spring blossoms at the parking lot along the river:

About 4 blocks away was a Ford service center where I was able to get the truck part of my Motorhome checked and serviced. The rain stopped for a while and there were actually some moments of sunshine breaking through the clouds.How wonderful that sun felt after all that rain!
The parking lot was that of a big mall and I got a few things I needed as well as visiting a cinema to watch the latest Star Wars movie. It wasn't as good as I had hoped, with too many battle scenes but it was nice to see a movie on a big screen. I've always liked Star Trek much better.

On the way out of the city, I stopped at a community pool and had a long awaited swim. It is one of my favourite forms of exercise and much needed.
The daffodils were in bloom. Spring is a wonderful season with everything waking up after the winter.

It rained again all that day. My RV was getting free washes!

Just south of Salem, I drove east to Silverton where I had found a PA campground. It felt good to hook up to electricity and get my batteries fully charged again. My campsite was very pleasant with blossoming trees beside me.
It was good to be able to dump my tanks as well since I never know where the next dump station will be.
The next day was a boring drive north on #5 past flat farmland but then I turned east and crossed the coastal mountains to Tillamook. That town is know for its cheese factory which I toured and found quite fascinating.

I was able to park overnight for free at a cheese store. They had a small petting zoo and park as well as chickens which roamed freely. 

 I enjoyed the animals but would have slept in a bit the next morning had it not been for a very energetic rooster who crowed his heart out at around 5am!

This rooster was still singing by 8am!
The sky was clear and I was so happy to see the sun, that I didn't mind that rooster.
It was also St Patrick's day and warm enough to be out in my green T-shirt.

I had read about doing "Random acts of kindness" ( in Richard Carson's "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff") and decided it would be a good thing to do regularly. 
I asked a woman at the ice cream counter if I could pay for an ice cream for the next child coming in. She loved the idea and I felt really good. It's a small thing but results in happiness not only for me but for all those involved. Besides, it was fun. There are many opportunities to practice this every day and many don't cost anything. I am often so busy or distracted that I don't think about it. Can you imagine our world if everyone practiced these little acts regularly? 

I left there to drive north to Astoria, a coastal town at the border of Washington. 
Along the way, I noticed a sign advertising the sale of Cannabis ( marijuana) which seems to be legal in Oregon.

There was also some beautiful coastal scenery.

Astoria was a pretty town on a hill overlooking the Columbia River. A large bridge connects it to Washington state on the other side.
At a length of 4.1 mi, it is the longest continuous truss bridge in North America.
I drove over and back again just for the thrill of driving across such a big bridge!

The Astoria-Megler bridge seen in the distance. ( better photos can be seen on Google search). Photo was taken from the Washington side.

I did not overnight in Astoria, choosing to keep going into Washington and inland to Longview where I stayed at a Walmart.
My experiences in Washington will be a story for the next blog.

                          " One must dare to be happy"
                                    --- Gertrude Stein

                       "Stop trying to find a ladder to reach the sky.
                         Stay still and the sky will touch you."
                                          ---- "Notes from the Song of Life" by Tolbert McCarroll

Smile often.



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