Saturday, 2 January 2016


It was a warm sunny day when I left Slab City on Dec 14 for the 2 1/2 hr drive to the Sleepy Hollow campground on the Mexican border west of Yuma. I drove to the back of the campground where the area for "dry camping" is located ( no hook ups but I filled up with water at a tap near the entrance, I had dumped my grey and black tanks at the Slabs, and my solar panels provide the electricity. Sleepy Hollow had laundry and showers available). It was a pleasure to see some of the friends I had made from the last time I was there.
                       Sleepy Hollow campground ( I'm at the bottom row 3rd one)

While there, I walked over to Algodones, Mexico to get some dental work completed by a dentist I started with last winter. The town hadn't changed from my experience there last year and was still quite festive with Mexican music, street vendors and a steady stream of tourists walking or driving both ways across  the border. The dentist remembered me and the dental experience was relaxing.
I visited a bakery that I hadn't found before and went into "The Purple Pharmacy" to get some prescription drugs sold there over the counter for about 10% of the cost in Canada.             

Many of the streets were lined with vendors selling clothing, jewellery, or crafts. Interspersed were all sorts of services such as dental, eye glasses, hearing aids, chiropractors, hair salons, health food stores, groceries, massage therapists,  cafes, bars, etc.
The Purple Pharmacy

Except for a few Christmas lights, there weren't many decorations and it felt relaxing not to be caught up in the frenzy of pre-Christmas shopping that occurs in  so many places.
The campground was generally quiet and the people in the dry camping area got together every afternoon for "happy hour". On the 23rd, my neighbours had visitors and invited me to a traditional Christmas dinner. It was fun having dinner outside in the warm sun and with our chairs set on the sand. I enjoyed sharing RV stories. My neighbours were Canadians from BC where they have a farm. They travel south every winter in their truck camper and usually go to the Baha peninsula for a few weeks. They invited me along but I don't have enough time since I want to be back in Canada by early or mid March.  I would also have to apply for extra insurance for my RV for Mexico. I'll keep Mexico in mind for next winter.

On Christmas eve we had a bonfire. In our family we celebrate on Christmas eve and I wanted something special. I gathered some branches and told some of the campers I had brought the "tree". Several people came to help set it up and decorate it with lights and whatever they had.
After the fire was lit, someone drove their car up so we could listen to carols on the radio.
We passed around some treats and enjoyed the serenity of the desert and night under the stars and full moon. 
On boxing day, we had a sandstorm with high winds and blowing sand. It meant having to stay inside all day. Some large branches were broken off and there were things scattered around.
Everything was covered in fine sand. It was similar to being in a snowstorm except that it was sand and the weather was much warmer.

On the 27th, I celebrated my 70th birthday. My sister, Margrit, had given me a kite so I decided going to fly a kite was a good way to celebrate. There wasn't hardly any wind but I did manage to fly it a bit and the campers cheered me on. It was a great birthday and so many fantastic years to celebrate. I am extremely grateful to be happy and healthy and for my family and so many good friends.

Flying my kite at Sleepy Hollow campground

The next day, after many hugs and well wishes, I left to drive to Yuma for supplies then on to meet up with the WIN group at a VFW site ( Veterans of Foreign Wars), about 20 min drive north of Yuma. There is a large area for dry camping and free except for a registration fee of $5. There
were RV's from all over North America and I found the WIN group parked at the far end of the lot. It felt good to see so many familiar faces and catch up on our travels. They have a schedule of activities planned for every day and people can take part as they wish.

On New Years Eve, I joined them for a dinner and dance in Yuma. It was fun to dress up and dance to bring in 2016. It feels like it will be a good year. I wonder what current friends and family I will see again and what new friends and adventures await me? They are gifts and treasures waiting to be discovered.

One of the men got courageous and really dressed up!

"You must give everything to make your life as beautiful as the dreams that dance in your imagination."
---- Roman Payne

Happy New Year!


whyknotrvmaria@gmail. com

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