Friday, 6 November 2015

Fall with the Goblins

Arriving at the "Goblin Valley State Park" was a treat.
It was perfect timing to arrive there on Oct  31 for Halloween.
The drive north from Hanksville, Utah on no. 12 took less than an hour.
Goblin Valley State Park, Utah
It was fun to see these strange formations resulting from "deposits laid 170 million years ago by a vast inland sea...and sculpted by forces of nature such as uplift and erosion from wind and water.......they are made of Entrada sandstone" ( info from brochure).
The campground was great and I could see some of the families all dressed up in Halloween costumes. Some of them played hide and seek amongst the sandstone goblins. 

campground at the base of the cliffs

I spent the afternoon looking around the area. That evening, the park showed a Halloween film at an outside screen. It was fun but also rather cold (glad I brought my blanket!) to be sitting outside under a beautiful starry sky.

The next day I did more hiking for a few hours, enjoying the unusual formations. 
I met a young man travelling in a sports car and camping for a few weeks. I have no idea how he managed to fit all his camping gear, stove, dishes, clothes, etc into that little car!
At these campgrounds can be seen all sorts of ways people get away for a short or long time.


These goblins are wishing everyone a happy Halloween!

After 2 days in that delightful place, I turned back to Hanksville and no 24 west for more adventues.

Sign at a campground :  " You are now entering stress free zone".

"You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind."
                                                                  --- unknown

Always remember to take time for laughter.


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