Friday, 12 June 2015

Stuck in thick fog

Here I am in thick fog at Perce at the western tip of the Gaspe.
I left Cap Chat after 2 days, on June 8 and followed #132 east along the St Lawrence River. The scenery became progressively more rugged and the weather colder and rainy at times. The road was rough in places as I travelled inland for a while.
#132 along north shore of Gaspe

By the time I got to Perce and the "Camping du Phage" campground, I was tired of driving even though it was only 230km. 
Perce is a tourist town, famous for its "Rocher Perce " (pierced rock) a huge rock formation in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence.
It has an opening in it like an arch that is one of the world's largest natural arches located in water.
Perce Rock in the drizzle ,view from campground
Because of the cold, wet weather, there were very few tourists.
I noticed several campgrounds which were almost empty. I was told that in summer it is sometimes difficult to find a site.

The campground I went to was about 2km west of town overlooking the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and is much larger than  I expected, with 144 sites. The owners were pleasant and spoke a bit of English so we managed.            
near the campground...a foggy day

Dandelions everywhere!!

The weather got worse and I became fogged in for 5 days!
It was cold (11-13C), rainy and very thick fog in the mornings, easing up by afternoon and one evening the sun even broke through! 
The fog made it too dangerous to drive anywhere and I found it difficult to be stuck, particularly since there was only 1 other camper parked at the other end of the campground and they kept to themselves. I figure I could either get into a slump or else make the most of it. I decided this is a golden opportunity to do my blog, watch films, and clean out my cupboards, oh, and treat myself to some chocolate which I brought in case of emergency!
Empty campsites beside me

Is this experience any more isolating than living in an apartment in a city highrise would be? In those situations people often don't even know who lives next door. How connected are we in our busy lives?

Hopefully the fog will lift tomorrow and I'll be able to drive to Campbellton NB, otherwise I might start growing some roots!

a few hours of sun before another storm appeared

Some trivia:
Did you know that Lake Superior contains 10% of the world's fresh surface water?
All of the 4 other great lakes plus 3 more the size of Lake Erie would fit inside of Lake Superior!
        ---info sent to me by my friend Barry

"Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak.
Sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go."

"The only real security in life lies in relishing life's insecurity.                                 ---M.Scott Peck , "The Road Less Travelled"

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