Friday, 26 December 2014

Getting High on New Mexico

My journey took me to Fort Davis, about 4hrs north of Big Bend area. The attraction there was "The Star Party" at the McDonald Observatory, a research facility of the University of Texas at Austin. I camped at the State Park and then drove about 20 min along a windy road up to the observatory. At 7pm when it was very dark and the sky was brilliant with stars, their program began. About 200 people gathered in the outdoor amphitheatre to listen to an astronomer point out various constellations. After that, we could go to various telescopes to view whatever part of the sky they were focused on. It was a thrill to see the andromeda galaxy, a neighbor to our milky way galaxy and millions of light years away. So far I had only seen photos of that far away galaxy and to actually see it was awe inspiring.
The next day I drove another few hours to El Paso, Texas where I had an appointment at Camping World there to finally get my broken seal replaced. I was able to "camp" at their parking lot overnight and the service was very good. I bought a few more RV supplies including some RV antifreeze to have on hand in case I reach very cold weather (one of these days I'll have all I need!)
I phoned my friends Frank and Susan that live in New Mexico and they gave directions, looking forward to having me spend the Christmas season with them and their daughter.
Gas was $2.15/gal as I left El Paso! There was a very strong wind, resulting in tumbleweeds dancing across the highway.
Westward I continued and shortly reached  the border of New Mexico. Then  north for about 3hrs, gradually getting into mountainous regions and being met by Frank to guide me to their place. That last 1/2 hr was quite a challenge with the steep road with sharp curves and no guard rails, reaching to the 5800ft elevation where they live. It was a beautiful sunny day but there was snow (yes, SNOW!) on the sides of the road.


We arrived at their home, met by Susan. They are living in a rental house while finishing the building of a house just 2km away. They offered me their new home to stay in as it was too cold to stay in the RV. Luckily I had antifreeze to put into the taks and hope that will keep my waterlines from freezing.
front of "Eagle's Nest"

The new home is wonderful, set on the side of a hill overlooking mountains and a river. It is heated by geothermal heat and has a hot tub fed by hot springs in the area.  

whyknot looks rather chilly!
    At last a place to rest a while.
The Gila Cliff Dwelling National Monument is just down the road and a nice walk. There is a small store and post office next door and some scattered houses in the area. There is also a small RV park nearby. It's a magical place with clean air and water. The nights are cold but the days are warm enough to sit out in the sun and read. Today i went for a swim in a neighbor's indoor pool fed by the hot springs. living here has felt like paradise.
Our Christmas celebration was simple but life is so peaceful here, you don't need more.
The new year of 2015 is filled with promise and many wondrous possibilities. 



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