Wednesday, 5 November 2014

whyknot staying ahead of the snow

The drive south along the east coast of US seemed along at times.
Reports of snow followed me but didn't catch up.
The weather got gradually warmer although the nights were quite cold and sometimes close to freezing, requiring the use of the furnace. The RV is not well insulated as it's meant to be a summertime camper and therefore doesn't hold the heat in for long.
I had to remember to keep the propane tank filled.
Bypassing New York city, I faithfully followed the GPS and because it takes the fastest route, took me on a short cut which was  beautiful, gentle highway with not too much traffic.
Suddenly I saw flashing lights and a siren behind me and, like a good driver, pulled over to let the emergency vehicle pass. I became aware it wasn't passing and that it was a police car. Oh dear! I knew I wasn't speeding (drive about 10mi/hr less than speed limit to save on gas as well have a more relaxing drive)
after a few minutes a young policeman knocked on my window informing me that trucks are not allowed on that highway. I had not noticed the sign. He told me the reason was because of low bridges (I need 12ft clearance), to take the next exit and wished me well.
There are still many kind people in this world!
After another night of boondocking at Walmart in Sturbridge, Mass.I drove most of the day to my friend Mary's place in Winchester, Virginia, visiting for 2 days. It was fun to see her and we spent Sat, Nov 1 going to the Gourd festival nearby.I had no idea how many wonderful things could be made with gourds including jewellry. 
I decided to leave earlier than expected due to snow at some campsites in southern Virginia, North and South Carolina and even Tennessee!
8hrs of driving later, I finally arrived at Myrtle Beach and met Carol who is also traveling in an RV after retiring. It felt good to meet someone else with similar experiences and we've been sharing many stories and things we have learned about living this way eg finding propane, boondocking issues, how to live in a small space, etc.
Myrtle Beach State park is wonderful with its beautiful beach and proximity to the town. The park has hookups, TV reception, wifi, laundry and showers. The campsites are large with many trees at each site. There are RV's of all sizes and makes from small vans to large Class A's (look like a big bus). Everyone I've met so far has been very nice and helpful.People that come to these State Parks are usually nature lovers and peaceful.
We've been walking on the beach, cooking over campfires, and relaxing. I finally feel like I'm getting a holiday after so much driving and didn't realize how tired I was. I'm staying here for 12 days then  on to Charleston just 80 mi from here for their festival of lights (Christmas lights).
The weather has been warm the past few days with cool nights and about 70F today.
Tomorrow we're going to a yoga class in town then maybe Starbucks for coffee and get some supplies.

Boondocking at Walmart

All is well!

cooking dinner at Myrtle Beach
Myrtle Beach  Nov 5/14

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