Saturday, 27 September 2014

A dream becomes reality

It was with a lot of excitement and also some apprehension that I was finally able to pick up "whyKnot?" at the Canadream office in Calgary on Sept 24th. 
There she (or is it a he??) was, all shiny and eager to get on the road. My sister Trudy had helped me get it insured and registered earlier that day then Matt, John, and Sarah from Canadream led me through the final processes: lots of paperwork, apply the plates and check the rig inside and out.
With 6 new Michelin tires and a full tank of gas, I was all set to head back to Trudy's and move my things in.
She surprised me with some champagne and dessert to celebrate my new life and the next morning I began my journey.
I decided to drive back to NS via northern US as have never seen that area and the distance is similar.
First, south to Lethbridge for dinner and a fabulous concert with friends, camping at a small campground with no hook-ups but at least they had showers and only $20 for camping. I have a shower in my RV but it's easier to use a campground shower in order to conserve water in case there is no hook up the next night.
It felt strange as I was the only one camped there but was too tired to be concerned. It will take a while to get to know how everything works inside and I have several manuals to refer to.

whyknot? is a 24ft class B+ motorhome:   "2011/2010 Forest River Lexington 235CDS "
So 2011 is the coach or home part of it and 2010 is the chassis or truck ( a V-10 Ford ) It had 78760km and handles very well.
It also has one side slideout which I wasn't sure I wanted at first but am now very happy I have it as it makes it much more spacious when parked somewhere.
Because this motorhome is relatively small, there is no permanent bed set up. I can walk back to my living area from the driver's seat without having to go outside. Behind the "cockpit" area, there is a couch on one side and a table with bench seats on the other side (both areas can be made into beds), then some closets and drawers across from the fridge/freezer, and finally, the bathroom and kitchen. The backdoor is beside the stove.
I'll try to take some photos with my smartphone.

On Sept 26th, I drove south and into Montana with no problems at all at the border, stopping at a McDonald's to use their WiFi, only to discover I couldn't connect to the internet. I also checked into getting a cell phone for the US but the plans seemed super complicated. I could have up-graded my smartphone to a very expensive plan but since I'm only in US for a few days it wasn't worth it.
On to Shelby and their tourist office to get some info re campsites.
They also had problems with the internet! I was, however, able to use their phone to check on camping and spent that night in Havre, Montana, a town with a Wallmart where I got a few supplies before settling into their RV park. It was more expensive at $42 a night (that was a discount as I'm a member of the "Good Sam" club.)
There were hook-ups guessed it...their internet wasn't working!!! OK, so now I was starting to think I was jinxed. 
Luckily, a hotel they also owned did have internet we could use, as well as a hot tub and pool which I put to good use.

Today, Sept 27th, I continued east to Wolf Point, a native reserve which has a pleasant campground with hookups and a great deal at $25/night. Once again, the internet was not working initially but they fixed it so I can relax.

The drive has seemed long even though I have gone only 900km in 3 days. The countryside has been prairie-like with few trees and huge undulating grain fields, like ocean waves, as far as I could see.
Hway 2 is an amazingly busy 2 lane road and in quite good condition. Once in a while, I passed small villages, often with only 1 small store and occasionally a gas station. I must remember to fill up before going on.
At times there were small mountains on the horizon and the sky seemed to go on forever. 
The weather has been sunny and in the 20's C but the nights have been getting colder, about 15Cor so, and today it was raining on and off.
The road runs near train tracks and I've seen many trains consisting mostly of oil cars or else containers. Oil must be transported from the oil fields nearby (I plan to find out more about those)

As for cooking: the kitchen is very tiny with no counter space except the top of the stove or sink.I remember someone telling me "Be careful of what you wish for" and I have often said I wanted to live more simply. This is a good way to practice!
It will take some time to adapt to such a small space but I love the challenge and freedom of living with less.

Once I figure out how to deal with photos, I'll post more.
It will also take some time to develop this blog.
Let's see what tomorrow brings!

whyknot becoming acquainted

moving into my new home

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Creating my new lifestyle RVing

My favorite season, autumn, seems an ideal time to begin my dream of RVing; a dream of more than 20 years of unfolding.

It's birthing was at an RV show in Toronto but quickly denied due to believing it would be impossible.....fears of such a drastic lifestyle change, lack of confidence , fears of the unknown, etc.
And so, I continued to live in a more familiar way, working and apartment living with a regular and predictable routine.

However, I was always restless, often traveling, searching for my place on this earth. Whenever I saw an RV go by, my heart would race a bit but I denied the feeling immediately, going back to my familiar secure lifestyle.

Last Christmas, the topic of RV living came up during a visit with my brother Tony in Ontario.He challenged me by reminding me that I had been mentioning RV living for many years and to "Just do it!"
Well, I had all sorts of excuses....too expensive, too old for a change now that I'm retired, I wouldn't know how to live like that....
His response "If you don't try it now, you will always regret it.

And so I decided to go for it.
First there was joining an RV forum do begin my research, then some RV shows and more internet search.
Finally I decided to drive from Nova Scotia where I was living, to Atlanta to rent one for 2 weeks. It was a 19ft Class C motorhome
and I knew the first time I slept in it that this is the lifestyle I wanted.

Back to Canada to  do more research by checking out many different models. 
A few months later I made the decision to buy one.
I gave notice to move out of my apt in Pictou, NS at the end of July, sold most of what I owned at flea markets,  garage sales and Kijiji, giving away many things not sold.
From there I drove to northern Cape Breton, NS to look after "The Jumping Mouse Campground" for about 5 weeks for my sister Margrit who went on a well deserved holiday, seeing many RV's while there (including many rentals from Canadream).
The experience of looking after the campground was fun and meeting many RVers was great.
 I then sold my car and flew to Calgary, Alberta to stay with my sister Trudy while looking for an RV. 

The second day I was in Calgary, I found an RV I loved at Canadream RV rentals and sales. I had expected a difficult couple of weeks trying to find "the right one". Instead, it was a fun, low stress experience thanks to the wonderful staff there. They went out of their way to make me feel comfortable, listened well to what I wanted, and helped me go through the process easily.
I was also very fortunate to have my friend Joseph come and help me as he has had several years of experience living in a motorhome.

I found a 2011/2010 "Forest River Lexington 235CDS" which I never thought I could afford but ended up being an excellent deal and within my budget. To sweeten the deal, they included 6 new tires, an awning, a ladder up the back, and a solar panel!
The next day, Trudy came with me to take it for a test drive and it handled very well
Now I had everything I wanted! 

I was so excited and happy with my decision, I forgot to take photos and will have to patiently wait for a week or so while they get it serviced before delivering it to me.
I'm so looking forward to moving in and beginning my journey of adventure! 
My initial plan is to drive back to NS with it (about 5000km), visiting family and friends along the way. Then head south along the east coast of US towards the Florida panhandle and westward from there. One dream is to spend time in the desert during the time when it is blossoming.

Watch for photos and news!